Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Possible - an old toolbox becomes a make-up caddy.

This is another post about taking something originally used for one purpose - and repurposing it with very little work.

At an estate sale a couple of years ago I acquired this really cool tool box. The drawers have the ball bearing mechanism so they move nicely and can be fully extended to see all the way to the back of the drawer.

At the time I wasn't sure what I would do with it - something that my poor husband is beginning to deal with (he just smiles and moves on.)

I thought about all the places where I use 'small tools' or 'instruments.' The toolbox is heavy (even empty) and the leather handle on the lid is not in the best shape so I didn't want it to be mobile - it would have to be a stationary piece.

I seriously considered the kitchen but, I already have containers where I store those items I use the most (that will be a separate post) so, the logical spot was the bathroom (I know - I just used the word logical - let it go).

At that time I shared a bathroom with the kids - the master bath only had a shower and small vanity and I needed a tub and more storage space so I just had to live with digging the toys out of the tub every time (and the toothpaste in the sink and the towels on the floor and the random 'experiements' my son always has brewing...... never mind, I'm sure you understand).

Putting the toolbox on the vanity in that house was a little more tricky, in our new house I have a nice space between the double sinks and I'm so happy with the way it is displayed.
I keep some essentials in the top of the
toolbox and keep it propped open
with a thin dowel.
One of the issues about repurposing an item like this is cleaning it. I didn't want to remove too much of the patina that made it so cool - but-it-was DIRTY! Also, it smelled like a garage - oil, dirt, grease. I just tried to do my best - I just used gentle cleaner and a rag. Inside the drawers I placed dryer sheets to help with the smell - and I sprayed fabric freshener inside the drawers that were lined with felt.
A view of the toolbox with
some of the drawers open.
The other issue was the concern of having something metal sitting on a vanity that does get wet. I solved that by using some travertine tiles I had just purchased at one of the home improvement stores to use as coasters (not upcycling, but pretty creative nonetheless - an idea stolen from another blog I'm sure).

Now, the toolbox is up off the surface of the vanity. If the toolbox does get wet and rust forms, it is on the tiles and not the vanity - a detail that is not lost on my husband I assure you :)

I used two tiles for each corner of the
toolbox - so eight total. Notice, one of the
tiles also under the soap dispenser as well.
I just love the look of the raw stone
and it absorbs water very well so the
bathroom is a good place to use it like this.
 Putting something like this in a bathroom is unexpected, and interesting. My favorite part is that the toolbox is still being used. This is a great piece and all the drawers still work perfectly - the thought of it in a landfill makes me sad and a little angry.

So, what do you have in your garage or basement that you could repurpose for some other use? Look around, be creative, that's what Upcycling Life is all about!

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