Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I love you, a bushel and a.......... crate!

I was knocking around on Pinterest the other night (okay - EVERY night) and I kept seeing these beautiful built-in looking cabinets that people had at the end of their spa tubs.

Well, we recently moved, and we now have a beautiful huge bathroom with one of those wonderful spa tubs! Yay! (kind-of).

What we are lacking is storage. It is strange to complain about moving into a larger house and not having enough storage, but it is true. Over the double sink vanity is one of those huge mirrors (and yes the contractor special Hollywood light bar). So, there are no medicine cabinets, which we really need.

I looked at the local box-stores and didn't see any pre-fab shelves I liked that would fit at the end of the tub - most were not wide enough and/or too deep for the space.

Then I saw something else on Pinterest (see a trend here?) a bookshelf made from wood crates.

"I HAVE some of those!" the voice in my head screamed.

(Actually, if I remember correctly, it was pretty late at night and I think I might have accidentally used my 'outside my head' voice and woke up my husband........ maybe.)

Anyway, below is what I came up with. I plan to add more baskets and containers to hold more items as I unpack (yes, I'm not unpacked yet - hey we have only been in our house for a month - I still have a couple of years right?).

The point of all of this is that (in my opinion) upcycling doesn't have to be a major undertaking. It can be as simple as using something you already have in a different or unexpected way to solve a problem. I didn't have to buy or make anything 'new' for this project and that made me feel quite content.

The crate on the bottom left hangs
over a couple of inches, but I'm okay
with it - I love the look.

The two crates on the bottom are book crates
I rescued when I was stationed in Germany
20 years ago. They are very sturdy and at
some point in the past I put shelves in
Them. The other two crates are
fairly flimsy ones I acquired through
the years, but they do the job just fine.
And, yes those are box-store lotion-pump-
dispensers holding my shower gel, shampoo
and conditioner - but that is not upcycling so
pretend you didn't see those :)

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